Not sure if this is up to date or not, but you guys may find it useful
Pure Healer Build – 12/0/39
This build lets you be all the healer you can be. All the healing talents that provide any appreciable benefit have been chosen, as well as a few balance talents that provide for some survival in PvP (Nature’s Grasp) and some mana conservation in PvE (Omen of Clarity). A druid with this build will be a very effective and powerful healer, but will have little utility outside of caster form.
5/5 Nature’s Grasp/Improved Nature’s Grasp
5/5 Natural Weapons
1/1 Omen of Clarity
1/2 Nature’s Reach
5/5 Improved Mark of the Wild
5/5 Improved Healing Touch
3/3 Reflection
1/1 Insect Swarm
5/5 Subtlety
5/5 Tranquil Spirit
3/3 Improved Rejuvenation
1/1 Nature’s Swiftness
5/5 Gift of Nature
5/5 Improved Regrowth
1/1 Innervate
PvP Healer Build – 2/18/31
This build keeps the main focus of the character on healing, but sacrifices a slight bit of healing efficiency and effectiveness for much greater versatility in PvP and some PvE. The build retains some points in Nature’s Grasp to provide for extra survivability, while the addition of the Furor/Feral Charge combination gives the druid an extra spell interrupt and a way to close w/ enemies like hunters and mages that prefer to stay at range. Feline Swiftness is generally useful, and Ferocity, Blood Frenzy, and Sharpened Claws let the druid, with the right gear, do a significant amount of DPS in Cat form. This is a great template build for a druid who wants to heal primarily, but also wants to experience some of the versatility the druid class can offer. For a druid purely interested in doing end game raids, however, it is inferior in pure healing to the preceding build, as it gives up subtlety and gift of nature.
2/5 Nature’s Grasp/Improved Nature’s Grasp
5/5 Ferocity
2/2 Brutal Impact
3/5 Feral Instinct
1/1 Feral Charge
2/2 Feline Swiftness
3/3 Sharpened Claws
2/2 Blood Frenzy
5/5 Improved Mark of the Wild
5/5 Furor
5/5 Improved Healing Touch
1/1 Insect Swarm
5/5 Tranquil Spirit
3/3 Improved Rejuvenation
1/1 Nature’s Swiftness
5/5 Improved Regrowth
1/1 Innervate
Pure DPS Feral Build – 14/32/5
This build is focused purely on feral combat, especially cat form. It picks up every talent in feral and balance that boosts cat form dps. A druid with this build will spend the majority of their time in cat form, only popping out to heal himself occasionally. Not having Nature’s Swiftness gives this build less survivability, although it will kill its enemies much quicker than a pure restoration build.
5/5 Nature’s Grasp/Improved Nature’s Grasp
5/5 Natural Weapons
3/3 Natural Shapeshifter
1/1 Omen of Clarity
5/5 Feral Aggression
3/5 Feral Instinct
2/2 Brutal Impact
2/2 Feline Swiftness
1/1 Feral Charge
3/3 Sharpened Claws
2/2 Improved Shred
2/2 Blood Frenzy
3/3 Predatory Strikes
2/2 Savage Fury
1/1 Faerie Fire (Feral)
5/5 Heart of the Wild
1/1 Leader of the Pack
5/5 Furor
Feral/Healer Combined Build – 0/30/21
This build focuses on feral combat and cat form damage, but retains a good deal of survivability and healing power, as it allows for Nature’s Swiftness. You will do slightly less damage and crit a little less than a pure feral build, but with NS you can stay alive a lot longer in most situations. A popular build for druid’s who want to give feral a try but are addicted to NS. With a good set of intellect gear, and the bonus from Heart of the Wild, this type of druid can be a very effective healer, although its lack of innervate and improved regrowth makes it a noticeably less powerful healer than one fully specced up the restoration tree.
5/5 Feral Aggression
3/5 Feral Instinct
2/2 Brutal Impact
2/2 Feline Swiftness
1/1 Feral Charge
3/3 Sharpened Claws
2/2 Improved Shred
2/2 Blood Frenzy
3/3 Predatory Strikes
1/2 Savage Fury
1/1 Faerie Fire (Feral)
5/5 Heart of the Wild
5/5 Furor
5/5 Improved Mark of the Wild
5/5 Improved Healing Touch
3/3 Improved Rejuvenation
1/1 Insect Swarm
1/5 Subtlety
1/1 Nature’s Swiftness
Moonkin Build – 40/0/11
If you’re primarily interested in doing range damage and being able to go Moonkin, this is the way to go. While you won’t have much utility in your animal forms, or a great deal of healing power, you’ll do far more spell damage than most people expect from a druid. Like any build that takes a 31 non resto point talent, however, you’re survivability is hurt significantly by not having Nature’s Swiftness. This is the one build that Nature’s Focus can be very useful…since in Moonkin you’ll often find yourself up close with enemies, when you need to shift out to heal it helps to not have it be interrupted and get it off as fast as possible so you can get back into moonkin form.
5/5 Improved Wrath
2/5 Nature’s Grasp/Improved Nature’s Grasp
5/5 Improved Moonfire
5/5 Natural Weapons
2/2 Nature’s Reach
1/1 Omen of Clarity
5/5 Improved Starfire
5/5 Vengeance
3/3 Moonglow
1/1 Nature’s Grace
5/5 Moonfury
1/1 Moonkin
5/5 Improved Mark of the Wild
5/5 Nature’s Focus
1/1 Insect Swarm
Balance/Resto Combined Build – 30/0/21
This build reduces your damage with balance spells slightly, but greatly increases survivability by giving access to Nature’s swiftness. You will be a more effective healer than a pure balance specced druid, although again, without innervate, improved regrowth, or heart of the wild for extra mana, you won’t approach the healing power of a restoration specced druid.
5/5 Improved Wrath
3/5 Nature’s Grasp
5/5 Improved Moonfire
2/2 Nature’s Reach
5/5 Vengeance
5/5 Improved Starfire
1/1 Nature’s Grace
4/5 Moonfury
5/5 Improved Mark of the Wild
5/5 Improved Healing Touch
3/5 Nature’s Focuse
3/3 Reflection
1/1 Insect Swarm
3/3 Improved Rejuvanation
1/1 Nature’s Swiftness