Just wanted to make a quick note informing the guild of a guild alliance. We have talked with the awesome people over in Lords Of WoW and are working to set up raid times and such. Right now we have Thursdays at 9:30pm Server time for Zul'Aman. We will bringing 5 people to this raid. 1 Tank, one healer, and 3 dps. This is a more difficult raid so please make sure your geared enough if you would like to attend. They have been kind enough to set up a vent channel for us to use to use while raiding or running an instance. They also run heroics/regular 5 mans daily so feel free to hop on their vent or contact them in game to set something up. I believe the usual time for them is around 8pm server. We hope to eventually have enough to see some 25 man content as a result of this alliance.
Here is the Lords of WoW website: http://lordsofwow.guildportal.com/Guild.aspx?GuildID=66534&TabID=576844
Also, we are still working on recruiting people to improve our own numbers as well. I know that it has been very slow lately with all the good weather and such, but please, try to hang in there as we are working towards getting back on track. Recruiting is a slow process so if you have any friends that would be looking for a casual raid guild please let an officer or recruiter know.
Thanks all you guys do. Hope this helps to excite people about getting back to where we were.